hypertonic pelvic floor - what’s that?
We all know what can happen if our pelvic floor support system becomes weak, it may result in incontinence, potentially prolapse or sometimes back pain. But did you know that a condition exists where the pelvic floor can become too tense and struggles to let go? It is really common and it’s called pelvic floor hypertonicity.
Many people with a tense and non-relaxing pelvic floor experience pelvic health concerns such as constipation, painful sex, urgency and pelvic pain.
A hypertonic pelvic floor may also be accompanied by tension in surrounding hip and pelvic muscles, and hamstrings.
Interestingly it is common with chronic stress, trauma and mental illness and can present as low back pain, pelvic pain or abdominal pain so it can often be misdiagnosed.
The wonderful news is, once it’s identified as the cause of your concerns there a lots of very effective treatment options that can help.
If you think your pain might be pelvic or abdominal in nature, book in with our physiotherapist who has experience treating this painful condition by calling 0475 782 783.
What is a hypertonic pelvic floor?
A hypertonic pelvic floor occurs when the muscles in the pelvic floor become too tense and are unable to relax.
Sometimes people don’t even know their pelvic floor is tense it can be a reflexive response to stressful events.